On September 7th, AVX Digital along with its designated team of partners from Google hosted a breakfast at Dallas Country Club. These two experienced teams gave informative presentations in an open forum about how businesses can better grow their respective companies through online strategic marketing.

Missed the event? That’s okay, you can download the presentation decks below! And thank you to those who attended the event this year, we hope that it was as informative and fun for you as it was for us!

AVX and Google Breakfast Presentation. With this Overview of the state of digital marketing today and the new tools that you could have at your fingertips as a client of AVX Digital, you’re on the way to being able to market your business better.

Introducing: Micro-Moments an Evolution of How We Engage with Advertising. There are millions of micro-moments happening every minute. Every day. Learn how you as marketers or business owners can capitalize on these moments with this presentation.

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