Most brands are familiar with the Google Shopping as a paid marketplace for their products but even fewer realize that they can upload their entire product inventory and quickly add incremental revenue. Here we’ll explain how any brand big or small can take advantage of this incredible product discovery tool.

What is Google Shopping?

Google Shopping launched all the way back in 2002 as the company’s eCommerce search engine. In the 20+ years since it debuted, it has come a long way from a basic search interface into a robust product discovery platform where users can sort, filter and browse millions of products from merchants throughout the world.

Most brands are familiar with the ads part of the platform where you can run ads highlighting specific products and given the nature of how many brands have used it over the years, they still see it as a paid only opportunity. However in April 2020 Google announced the launch of the organic side of the platform but unfortunately the announcement came in a time when businesses had so much more to worry about than where they had products listed.

With Covid waning and businesses looking to continue their online growth, now is the perfect time to revisit Google Shopping.

How do I Setup Listings?

There are two easy ways to setup organic shopping listings, the first and easiest is submitting a feed to Google with product attributes and in fact if you are already running shopping Ads, you already have a submittable feed that’s ready to go.

The second is to implement Schema markup on your site and have Google crawl the site to find products and build your list. This is a bit more risky because poor implementation can hinder the search engine’s ability to properly find and build your catalog.

How can I Measure Success?

Google includes their own dashboard as part of the listings interface where you can view standard eCommerce KPIs like impressions, clicks and transactions and brands can also look in Google Analytics to see performance both on a first or last click basis to see where Google Shopping organic listings have played a role in ultimately getting transactions.

If your eCommerce brand is looking to take advantage of Google Shopping and other product discovery sites, let AVX Digital craft a custom strategy for your brand that leverages every available site and resource to scale your business. Contact us today to learn more.

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