Microsoft Ads, formerly known as Bing Ads, should be a vital part of every brand’s paid search marketing strategy. In 2018, Microsoft Ads covered over 30% of the United States’ search market. Though Google still dominates in overall searches performed, if advertisers aren’t using Microsoft Ads, they’re missing out on a chance to reach roughly a third of their overall potential customers. As the underdog of search, Microsoft Ads also offers generally lower cost-per-click and cost-per-conversion, with higher click-through-rates. Demographics of Microsoft Ad Network users tend to skew a bit older than the Google population, but that means Microsoft Ads often delivers customers with more expendable income for the products and services they’re looking for.

New Targeting Options

In September 2019, Microsoft Ads introduced Product and Similar audience targeting options will be released in open beta. Product Audiences will help advertisers make the most of shopping campaigns, and Similar Audiences can help introduce brands to users similar to their already-loyal customers.

Product Audiences

new microsoft ads product audiences targeting

Shopping ads are an outstanding method of reaching potential customers browsing search engines for products they need. They allow advertisers to get their products seen, not by entering painstakingly-curated, seemingly endless keyword lists, but by relying on attributes from an ecommerce website’s merchant feed. That means all products are tagged with attributes like style, size, color, fit, and more, so searchers can easily find products to their exact specifications – and discover similar products from brands they might not be aware of yet.

Microsoft Ads’ new Product Audiences update also allows advertisers to create remarketing lists based on products that users have viewed from their shopping campaigns. Advertisers can then apply those remarketing lists to display or search ads to remind and engage in-market users and drive action.

Similar Audiences

new microsoft ads similar audiences targeting

Remarketing lists in Microsoft Ads can also be used to create Similar Audiences with this new feature update. Based upon the traits and interests of the members of existing audiences, Microsoft Ads can now expand targeting based on these new seed lists to find other users who are likely to be interested in your products or services. Finding new customers can be a challenge, but paid search technology like this helps ensure you’re reaching out to new people in a measured, effective way.

Don’t Skip on Microsoft Ads

With ever-evolving features to reach your desired customers and an outstanding bang for the buck, Microsoft Ads should be considered as a part of of any paid search strategy. Contact AVX Digital today for a free consult and see how Microsoft Ads could enhance your brand’s marketing strategy!

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