New Google Guaranteed Ads – What You Should Know

Recently, Google has begun experimenting with a few new types of ads. One that I am going to touch on today is the new Google Guaranteed Ads and what they can mean to your digital marketing, web presence and growth of your business.

Firstly, let’s discuss what it exactly means to be Google Guaranteed. To become guaranteed, Google must make sure that your business is licensed, insured and overall pre-screened. One of the big reasons why Google is focusing on that is because they are going to be offering a possibility of a refund if you are not completely satisfied with the work you booked through these Guaranteed ads. Granted, they will do a thorough investigation to ensure the job was or wasn’t done fully.

To all the business owners, if this seems like an avenue you would want to take, please do contact us and we can help you through the process! As one of the biggest benefits is having your ad actually placed above traditional Adwords campaigns (See below)

Now, what does this mean to the consumer? As a consumer myself, I find great piece of mind knowing that Google has done its homework and has a list of qualified (and licensed) professionals that they themselves trust. We are all big on referrals & reputations of businesses. This takes a good amount of research time to find a trusted company to handle my needs!

As each year passes, it is important to stay ahead of the online marketing game and see what is happening next, where you may need to focus your efforts and how it can affect your business online. Being in the digital marketing space isn’t always an easy one, so finding a Google trusted digital marketing agency should be a top priority to your businesses success!

If you are looking to learn more about these Google Guaranteed ads and how they can help your business grow online, gives us a call at (972) 458-9050 or simply click the “Contact Us” button at the top of this page!

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