In the online world, things tend to blend into each other, with success in one area helping lead to success in another area. It is important to understand how different elements of a brand can play into one another, and how they can be leveraged to help each other.

One way this is true is that increasing your number of quality reviews can help get more traffic for your website, in ways both natural and planned. Online reviews can not only lead to better local search rankings and more referral traffic, but positive reviews can also bring in higher organic traffic

Local search refers to search where the results brought up are only businesses in the area of the searcher. Google has made it known that reviews do have an impact on local search rankings, looking at the number of reviews, how quickly they come, and their quality. 

Reviews can also lead to more traffic when they come for review websites – which can help out both in referral traffic and in increasing your SEO. Take a proactive approach by seeing if there are any review sites in your industry, getting your business or your products listed. This type of traffic can be highly beneficial, because you know the customers are already motivated to take action.

Reviews can also help bring in organic traffic, with surveys showing that over half of people will visit a business website after reading positive reviews. Encourage customers to leave reviews and do your best to make sure they are happy with what they purchased, and it can help more people find your website.

There are a few other tools out there that can help leverage reviews to increase traffic. 

  • Creating a free Google Business Profile helps any business stand out, creating a better first impression with pictures, hours, photos, and more. This helps you show what you offer, whether it’s products or services, helping with local search rankings and standing out to a potential customer.
  • Review tools such as Trustpilot help showcase companies with transparent reviews that are trusted by consumers. This helps consumers research businesses to know who they want to give business to, while also helping companies receive key insights directly from customers.
  • Adding Review Schema Markup can help lead to a better result on search engines, helping find the right users. This allows for short excerpts of a review to be shown right on the Google search result, helping bring in more customers as they want to read the rest.

There are many ways that reviews can help generate traffic online. Some of these ways can happen organically, with reviews naturally leading to better search engine rankings or referral traffic. Other methods require a little more work on the front end, but can help immensely to maximize traffic in the long run.

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