Can You Push Down Negative Articles and Reviews Online?

November 10, 2021 | mgraska

More than ever, customers are relying on Google and the web to tell them who to do business with. If you can see negative articles or reviews online about your business, you can be sure that your customers are seeing it as well.  This is why reputation management and the creation of good content [...]

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How to Use Reviews to Get More Traffic Online

November 2, 2021 | mgraska

In the online world, things tend to blend into each other, with success in one area helping lead to success in another area. It is important to understand how different elements of a brand can play into one another, and how they can be leveraged to help each other. One way this is true is that in [...]

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Can You Remove Negative Results in Google?

October 25, 2021 | mgraska

For a business, there are few things more disheartening then searching your company and finding a negative result or review in a very visible area. Consumers are often eager to share their opinion online, even if it is unfair or untrue.  While nothing is foolproof, there are some tactics that ca [...]

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Improving Your Brands Reviews in 2021

October 21, 2021 | mgraska

Amazon reviews are of major importance to maximize sales, helping drive revenues and visibility on the site. It is estimated that over 70% of shoppers don’t make a purchase until they have read the reviews of a product they are looking to buy. One of the best ways to grow your Amazon business is t [...]

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Improving Your Social Media Reputation & How it Affects SEO

June 14, 2017 | mgraska

Social Media & SEO Brands are flooding our inboxes, clogging our News Feed and cluttering our favorite websites as they fight for attention in a media environment that becomes more and more crowded everyday. The fight for consumer attention is tough, and figuring out ways to break through the s [...]

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